How to use social networks to boost your traffic? - Jobs In Pakistan

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

How to use social networks to boost your traffic?


The reason why you should use social media is to increase traffic to your blog. This is not something theoretical, because if used correctly, social media can become a major source of traffic.

Increase your traffic with social networks

When you run a campaign with social media with the goal of driving more traffic to your website, you can use the following ways to make it more effective.


Add your website/blog URL to social media profiles

Make sure all of your social media profiles have a link to your website. It may seem obvious, but in some cases it is ignored. Adding a link is not only useful for SEO, but also for increasing traffic.

Use #hashtags effectively

Hashtags can generate more visibility for your social media posts. Take a look at best practices for using hashtags and make sure you're using them correctly.


Use social media advertising

The number of pages and users on social networks is increasing every day. While this is good because there are more potential users who will see your posts, it also makes it harder to get your posts published in front of your followers.


An active user will likely follow a dozen pages and hundreds of people, but the timeline can only display a limited number of posts.


Getting organic visibility for your posts (especially if you're posting as a business) is getting harder and harder. Facebook has often changed its algorithm and only shows your posts to a fraction of your followers. The only possible solution to get your content across to your followers' timeline is the use of Facebook advertisement.


It comes at a cost, but it's an effective way to target the right audience and get even better results than organic groups. Furthermore, everything is tracked by Facebook and you can use the data to further improve your advertising campaigns.


A common mistake, made by many people, is adding the social media buttons without verifying that the content is properly shared. When you click to share a post, the title, description, and image must be formatted correctly, otherwise users won't take the time to correct things before clicking the Share button.


Use pictures with your messages

Images, videos and other visual elements (infographics, illustrations) are more shareable. For you, this means two things. The first thing you need to make sure is to have images in your content in such a way that they are shared with the shared image, and then when you post them on your social media pages to include as well images. All networks (including Twitter) allow you to add images to your updates, so take advantage.


Add links to your posts on social networks

Besides adding links to your social media profiles, you should also add links to your social media posts. A good post has an attractive title, a brief description, an image and a link to the original source.

Publish regularly

You don't want to spam your subscribers with lots of daily posts, but regular updates generate more visibility and traffic. According to statistics, the recommended number of posts per day and per social network is as follows:

Pinterest: 5 adverts

Twitter: 3 posts

Facebook: 2 publications

Google+: 3 publications

Instagram: 2 posts

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